188:Banning John

Episode Summary

This week on the podcast, Eric, John, and Thomas about getting blocked on twitter, Eric continues to rave about Larave Livewire and Laravel View Blade Components, the newest release of Laravel and upgrading Linux in place. Topics include; * Livewire for Laravel * Caleb Porzio - Introducing: Livewire * Wealth, shown to scale * About replies and mentions * Nvidia Voice * Ubuntu Upgrade * is-promise post mortem * Laravel 7.8 Released

Episode Notes

This week on the podcast, Eric, John, and Thomas about getting blocked on twitter, Eric continues to rave about Larave Livewire and Laravel View Blade Components, the newest release of Laravel and upgrading Linux in place.

Episode Transcription

It's just all patchy right there.

It looks good,

man. I got my own issues.

I'd kiss you. Okay. Sure. Let me see you. Well, let's get physical physically close to each other. Again, you're listening to episode one 88 PHP has lead, and despite what the penalty leads you to believe, we are three passionate PHP developers who make a living coach.

We get together every week to discuss coding projects, tech work, and running a small business and pretty much anything else that happens to catch our interest. From time to time, you might even hear us rant about simper. I'm your host Eric Johnson, and with me, as always, are my good friends. I'm a straight up,



Hello? Hello


am John Congdon


Sember what does that mean?


What is the favorite topic? Semantic, favorite topic pillar. I sent out a tweet today, and I'm pretty sure he's directed at Thomas every time he sends it out. He just sends out a tweet of yours. Just my monthly reminder, the release cycle of larval has not changed.


Only the memory has changed. I'm like, I just, I feel like that's some targeted tweet at my point. Um,


well, I mean, we've. We've had this conversation.


It's, yeah, we've got to stop this conversation. Yeah.


Well, if they didn't keep releasing new versions every, by the way, this week's version is 7.8 yup.




should probably upgrade my application.


I think I tried once and it was very bad.


You can't, you can't keep up


from 3.2 right now. I should upgrade a little bit.


Composer upgrade every week. Man, don't turn your camera off now. It's too late. We saw ya.


Yeah. The hair is not looking great. I've noticed both of you are managing the COBIT hair. Just fine.


Look at John. John's looking beard is coming in. Good on him. See, this is what I wish I had right there you have. He has the upper mustache nicely. Can Anderson Cooper. Oh yeah, well, we've got them. Great. Just a little great. Agree.


It's that clean living


I got. I got all this like it's just all patchy right there.


It looks good, man.


I got my own issues.


I'm Kisha Kisha. Let me see you. Let's get physical physically close to each other again.


Are you guys doing anything with the, uh, the end of the stay at home order or are you guys still on stay at home,


staying at home as long as possible? I think it's ridiculous that it's being lifted as soon as it is.


Yeah. I mean,


I'm going to a party tomorrow.


What are you serious sprung? The last thing you should be done.


It is all people I know very well who have been a hundred percent as safe as I am. And


there's no such thing as a hundred percent.


And we are, we are doing social distancing at the party  


themselves so they can get,


are you wearing, are you wearing a mask to the party?


Uh, no. If anyone coughs, they're kicked out of the party.


We've been having, uh, some of our neighbors have been doing like. Social or happy hour, social distancing or social distancing, happy hours. Everyone going out to the street and like standing around drinking wine and talking. Yeah. Yeah. I haven't made a thing of those yet.


I did my first, um, uh, virtual happy hour with my friends up in Canada. It was fun. We were w w it was, it was us and our wives and we talked for a couple hours. It was. It was actually a lot of fun. And then like yesterday, last evening for our afternoon for me, but evening for, for them, I attended the virtual meetup for the, well, almost the entire East coast.


It felt like, but it was the, uh, greater Toronto area. Uh, that whole, that whole region Buffalo. Um, I forget who else they said was there. But yeah, there were, there were like six or seven user groups who held a virtual meetup last night and I popped out and it was cool. I popped on and people recognized me and they were like, Hey, that voice sounds familiar.


We know. So it was very, very cool. They had like a, I don't know if he ever reached a hundred, but it was bouncing because they did Hangouts, which was a mistake because Hangouts is very difficult to, uh. To monitor. Um, but, and they ha they had some problems early on. It took some time getting knocked out of there, who, who weren't there for the right reasons, but, but, uh, you see how many people are online?


It was bouncing between late. 65 to 80. I mean, you know, people are coming and going, but there was a good amount of people. I'm like, it was a, uh, Lifewire again. Uh, Jesus was his name. I can remember it when we're not on the air. You remember? Nah, I'm not going to help you. I like that guy to come on. Help me out.




I missed that one. So I don't


know to breezy.


He should offer. It should have offered up. I did.


I told him, I told him, uh, if they do it again, let me know. Uh, I CA I'll let them use the, uh, I'll get them a zoom account and set up some, uh, administrators so that they can monitor it better. But because zoom, you can, you can mute everybody when they join and I give them the option that I'm mute.


And that was the biggest problem with Hangouts. There was, there was no way to do that. So.


Yeah, it's nice. You can let everyone into it for like socializing for the beginning and then get everybody for the actual presentation,


so that's a good option. Caleb, Caleb, that's who it is. Caleb from Livewire. He does.


He does Alpine and JS. He's gathered the sushi. I wanted to talk to him a little bit about sushi. Talked to him about the little issue you and I found John. But a bit I had to drop because you were calling me John, jumping on a, on a business call that afternoon. Oh,


it yesterday afternoon. Yeah.


You remember what it was about?


It was about something. Yeah. Yeah.


One of those things. Yeah.


It's fun running a business, man, I tell you.


Yeah. You guys, you guys sound like you've been working on some annoying


stuff. Just challenging.


I've, I've had a couple of things this week. I've had a first, it was a first for me.


Oh, what was your first


as it was a first, as far as I know, I was blocked by somebody I respect on Twitter.


I've never been blocked as far as I know.


Oh, check my Twitter. Apparently.


Nah. So I don't even know if I should, should, should name him. I mean, again, I respect them and I hope that things change and we have a, we get a chance to talk again at a conference because we talked quite a few times.


Well, I mean, if they blocked you, that's, that's putting it out there.


You can just say Taylor


wasn't there.


It's one of those things where I can disagree with somebody and still be friends. I mean, hell, I'm friends with you guys and I wholeheartedly disagree with you on this, on this topic. And we were having a back and forth and he said, thank you for being clear and honest block.


Okay, so you're the fence.


I will say to your defense. You, you don't get preachy about, about the topic. We're talking about your veganism. Veganism.


Yeah. So I tweeted out that I was happy to see on the today show that some, uh, the meat industry is, is




trouble. I saw your tweet on that one


for sure. I mean, again, just kind of show how we can disagree on this topic.


I don't agree with that tweet. I think. There. Are there concerns that we need to address, naming people access to food, blah-blah-blah. I get your, your belief, you think that the plant industry can handle it. I'm seeing that if it were to hit today, they couldn't. They're not positioned to do it and we would have a serious shortage of this thing.


You think I'm wrong? I said, I know I'm right. Whatever. But the point being, I definitely don't agree with you on that. Even that statement, as much as I don't agree with it, I don't really think it was that harsh of a statement. I was surprised at the response, but also I, you know, that's one way to weed people out quickly.


It's like, Hey, you know, the first moment there's like a little friction.


Yep. That's true. Is the question is what was the intended impact of the tweet? Because if it was to just identify the people who will block you for it, then


success. No, I don't know. It really was just, it was that his response was, I was, I was happy about somebody going out of business and in this case I am happy about it.


I'm fine with it. I did have another friend point out that. Their, their view is, or it would be as if somebody that was happy planned Parenthood was being shut down.


Right. I mean, I understand that that is, yeah, I see that association for sure.


Yeah. I could see that. And I can be Frank. I'm pro choice. I know if I have friends that are pro-life, I can be friends.


Even if I disagree, I can still have a conversation and talk or. Avoid that con, that topic altogether and still be friends.


I just think things


are fine. So


from friend to friend, I honestly think that now's not the time to make a point of all, Hey, this is, this is not that bad. This is going to be awesome.


I mean, we're going through a lot of shit right now. I felt it was a poor timing on your part to make that comment, but. You know, that's a, it's not like I'm not going to touch you for the next month. Oh wait,


no more late night makeup sessions.




Always ready. Always ready for a one on one conversation with anybody about


it and interested in that conversation at any level.


I, Oh, I know you are not. And my problem with, with you and I on the conversation is we had the conversation shit over a year ago now. And I wasn't as prepared then to have that


conversation, but,


and opinions on social media, it's, it's a, it's a dangerous road to tread. I'm completely fine. I, Facebook lately has been


exactly issue




Yeah. I don't want to spiral too, too far down the hall on negativity on this show. So I'll let you go ahead and finish your


thought. So you're telling us you invented a time machine.


I'm just saying, I just, I'm not looking, I'm not looking to spend all the show bitching and complaining about things.


I'm surprised at the number of people that I know that I fought.


I understood their political positions, or at least their political meaning, and I'm finding out that I am completely




I'm also finding that the people who, the people who quote false and misleading articles are by far the ones who say fake news. Yeah. Because I've been engaged a bit this week and it's amazing what people are willing to repeat and not understand that by repeating it, they've invalidated their position.


I had this conversation recently as well, where I, I choose not to unfollow or unfriend. People like that on Facebook. My wife complains all the time when you know, I complain about somebody, she's like, why are, why are you still friends? You don't know this person well enough or


you're not going to like anymore.


But to me, I don't want to be siloed into a single mindset. I don't want to only hear my side of the story. I want to hear everything. And I often take information shared by friends that I don't agree with. I will go do a little research, find that they're wrong, and usually just not doing anything. I'm just like, it's often like a.


Really that happened. Wait a second, let me go look. That didn't really happen as part of me. There's been plenty of times where I've started typing a response, like, do some research and paste the link, and then I back it out like this. It's not worth it. They're not going to change their mind. They're sh they're just seeing a meme and sharing it, but I do take the time to see what they're sharing and then try to inform myself on whatever it




Yeah. A friend of a friend of mine has just started responding to everything with Dunning Kruger. Done in cruder Dunning. Kruger is the effect of intelligent people having less confidence in the things they know than unintelligent people. Okay. So the more you know, the more you question what you know, the less you know, the more loud you are about how right you






And, uh. And that's an excellent way to just like you do the research, you, you prove to yourself that they're wrong and then you just replied Dunning-Kruger and if they care to do the research as what that means, then your point is


completely well-made.


That's funny. The other, the other big piece of news, just before we, uh, not just before we started recording, but earlier today I thought I was going to have to fire somebody.


Why? What Eric do?




first of all. That's another topic he brought somebody to. It seems like this person would make a great CTO. Please don't tell me I'm fired.




I, so I found a secret spot that I could take my kids daily, or not daily, but a few times a week. Nobody there. It's the high school parking lot near my house. Wide open. The kids can go ride their bikes and knocking anywhere near another person. It's been fantastic. I take them there tonight and I get a message on Slack and then I get a text from Eric saying, major issue, are you available?


I'm like,


Oh, he never writes to me like that. He never calls me to, especially after hours to tell me there's something going on. And so I immediately like, what the fuck? What's going on? I don't, I'm not near a computer, but what can happen? So he starts writing to me. Yeah. Somebody got onto a production server and decided to run.


RN dash RF


slash did decide accidental. They decided


no, they decided I'm going to copy and paste from stack overflow


onto the server. Oh,


and let's see what happens.


Yeah, of course, we,


everyone logs in as root.


It was that sort of afternoon. Yeah, so that was not fun. How bad it was RM dash RF slash it was that bad.


Wasn't, did you have like backups or like a hot server?


Oh yeah. Yeah. We have a backup from two years ago,


so, so the issue is to be clear that this is, this server was part of a pool. However, this. In particular, server had some extra functionality attached to it, uh, for, for purposes of the environment. So it was part of a pool.


It was a duplicate of like four other servers. It just happened to be the one server that we've, we added some extra sauce too to do a couple of extra things, and that was the crutch of this. How have you done it to any of the other web servers? It wouldn't even been an issue because those, those can be spun up in a matter of minutes and.


Yeah, the way the load balance it was this one particular server that as a postmortem where we're kind of going back and saying, okay, now we have to make sure we have a job to back this up, back this, up and back this up. And of course that's hindsight. That's easy to see after something goes bad. So it was, it's, it wasn't fun.


We weren't happy about it. But you know what,


and I'm sure all our listeners know are on deck, RF slashes, but basically they erase the entire.




drive. Yeah. This is a Linux machine, and it's my understanding you can't do that. Now, of course, this, this is an older image on Amazon, so I


was, I was wondering about that.


Apparently we'll see Linux.


Yeah, well, standard Linux now you can't do the prime on your machine, Thomas. Just just try it. I'm pretty sure it'll be, you'll be okay. But I think standard Linux now doesn't allow, allow you to do it.


Yeah, I think it is an se Linux thing, and I'm terrible about always disabling se Linux because it is so restricted and I don't understand it enough because I'm a developer, not a society.




fricking, John brought it up. It's funny, man. I've got, I've been bringing my beer too fast. I apologize. It's been a long afternoon. I'm sorry, but John brought it up. And I thought about it in hindsight of all the bells and whistles that Amazon has, Amazon tries to sell you on the one bill and whistle that they don't have that digital ocean has.


It's like drop dead simple or server backups in digital ocean. You just say, Hey, back up the server. If we make it takes a snapshot every night. I mean Amazon, unless I'm missing something, there's no way to do it. Now you can do it in RDS. RDS does it. You can do it. I believe you can even do it with your, uh, attached storage, but the actual server, you can't do it too, which is weird.


It's like, really? Have you ever seen all the services Amazon offers? It's, it's, they're running out of screen real estate to show it


off and in the fact that one checkbox could make them. A ton of money. I mean, I think, I think DigitalOcean chart charges 10%


to do a nightly bath. I think it's just whatever the disk space is.


I don't think it's that much, but yeah, it's worth it. You sleep better at night.


Did you just see Yeshua's response? I've never, I think it was an issue you recommended aliasing our industry. RF slash two that's something else.


That's a great idea. We should make that part of our daily or outright installs.


I wonder, I wonder if you can do




Yeah, you could probably do that, but affect the


most how? Because your alias, the alias is for a single command, and once you put spaces in there, it's not a single command anymore.


You can encapsulate it in alias in quotes. So you, Oh, Oh, I see what you're saying.


You would have to write, you'd have to write a globally scoped script called RM that validates the first and then passes it onto the real,




I took shell scripting this.


Did you do that through your your


course? Uh, yeah. This week was a Vue, JS shell scripting, and I am now enrolled in precalculus on ed


X. Nice. Are you good? Are you going to continue this learning now that your free month is quickly coming to an end? But to me,


yeah, I feel the need to, um, you know, the view stuff, it was like so easy except for, uh, Dux, which is their storage system.


Um, but the rest of it was just like done easy. Uh, which it wasn't the last time I looked at view.


It's a down though, right? That's how I am with, it's like I started buying courses there and the mixing of know I've spent, you know, 102 hundred bucks just buying courses.


Yeah. It's, it is. It is addictive. And I think Pluralsight is just a one.


A one subscription buys all


look into that. Cause I devotee kills me here and they've got the business model. I mean they know, they know that, that they have me hooked and they keep saying, Oh Hey, by the way, that that playtime course you were interested in, it's 90% off today. Shouldn't let me buy


what we have a subscription subscription to Lynda.


Have you looked at any courses on


them? That's another thing I would take two to. Yeah,


or Lydia,


Linda, Linda,


yeah. Lyn


Okay. Then of


course there's a lot of resources, but uh, it's, it's been a, it's been a really nice way to spend time and doing like the code along practices is very satisfying.


That nice.


Like whatever you happen to be interested in at that time, you know, it's easy. We know the resources for our specialties and we can get laser focus on those, but every now and then you, you want your brain to stretch and, and do something else.


Yeah, I think I'm going to pass, I'm going to end up passing on the pre-calculus stuff.


Um, the interface for doing it is not very friendly and the instructions are not very clear and I might just end up going to like some YouTube or Khan Academy thing for it. Uh, but. Yeah. I don't know if I want, I can upgrade it to an accredited course and get course credit for it if I, if I cared. I don't


know if I do.


Um, speaking of postmortems, you guys were talking about a postmortem on your RMR RF server. I've got a postmortem on his promise, a node package that for some reason everybody uses, even though it only provides one line of content and it broke everybody's node stuff on Saturday.


Oh really? Incremental, upbeat.


I'm just wondering.


Nope. Uh, wasn't even, wasn't even that he was trying to get a continuous integration working and get, bring in future support for, uh. Backward compatibility as well as future versions of node. And there's, I mean, I don't understand any of the stuff that's going on here. There's a, there's a dot M JS file that he updated.


Um, he had updated his NPM ignore file. It's just a thing that he had done and then immediately made himself unavailable. Um, and it broke everyone's stuff. Uh, it's called his promise cause it just returns whether or not an object being passed into it as a promise. And it's literally like a single line of code.


And I'm like, I've just, I'm struggling to understand why this is why this exists in the node ecosystem, why people are importing one line. Helpers by the thousands.


No, ma'am. I mean, that's like that whole, what was it left padding from,


huh? Yeah. This is exactly the same as the left padding issue.


Fortunately, he, he got the issue resolved in three hours, but. In that three hours, everything broke. Um, what I did find interesting about the whole thing was that he basically said, I made lots of mistakes. Here's the mistakes I made, and he wrote up an entire post-mortem on what he did wrong and then a breakdown action by action for that three hour period on how he fixed it and how he, how he rolled back and ended up building the functionality he intended to build in, and then the steps that he took to prevent this from happening in the future.


So it's, it's a great read if you're, if you're distributing something that people rely on, you need to understand what it is that goes wrong. Cause he kinda did everything wrong in this instance.


I don't know. I don't care enough about about mood or JavaScript stuff to have a


conversation next on my list, man.


I gotta I gotta


I got to learn to code.


I got to play in some Java script this week and I gotta tell you, it's not like my JavaScript. I know from years ago, I forget how. I forget how little JavaScript I've done in the past, you know, four or five, six years I've done the, I've done the bare minimum to get by, but things have changed so much


between fully ESX now I'm like, I'm.


My habits break down to short function tags and all the S S six syntax stuff that I've been learning for the last year. So I'm really


in that. So my personally between live wire in the new Lerma well. View components. My goal is to do no JavaScript for the next year and I feel like it's achievable.


It's achievable because you have somebody else doing front end work for you.




no, I'm telling you this,


there are certain, I guess I need, I still need to see library cause I don't understand what it's doing for you.


I've been counting that for four months now and yeah, you definitely need to get your head around live wire. To me, it's a game changer in the framework.


Ecosystem in Laravel just happens to have it. There's, there's rumblings that other people want to try to port it to other frameworks. I think that's great, but as of today,  the only thing that has, even things like live wire and it's not even layer has them, it's built for layer bill. I still think that they need to integrate this to the core code base and try to optimize a little, a little bit more, but.


Regardless. It's their Livewire rocks my world recently.


What is it? What is it doing for you? That's what I'm missing.


So basically what it's doing is it's allowing them, they're not WebSockets, but it's giving you that WebSocket sort of feel it allowing you to write all your, all your logic in controllers.


So let's just say, I don't know, I'm doing this from the hip, but let's say you have a. Um, you have a dashboard that shows new users. Well, that dashboard can be a live wire component, and every time, every time a new user signs up, it automatically updates just like JavaScript. It's just a, it's just a PHP translator for JavaScript.


I mean, under the hood, live wires doing the JavaScript for you, and it just allows you to update any piece of, of your page, just like you would do.


But there's updating a piece of your page is different than doing actual work that JavaScript


does. I can't think of anything, any actual work JavaScript does.


I can't do in PHB. I mean you, you give me, you give me an example of something and. So that's what Livewire is doing. I'm telling you


guys, let's doing it in JS.


So the thing I worked on this week, somebody else built it, I had to work within it. But there's a contact manager, you have a list of contacts, you're checking off boxes, and then you choose to do an action on that.


So the JavaScript is figuring out what you've checked it. Did you check kind of like in your Google mail, if you could check all. Then you have to drop down to say, I want not just what's on the screen, but all that's within this folder or all my mail. So we have that functionality.


You can do that with libraries.


I mean, you're, you're me in a corner here. I would, I would say yes, but I don't have that much experience with it. I mean, nothing you told me, it seems like anything like wire couldn't do.


What Lifewire is doing is taking potents of your page and wrapping them in an Ajax layer so that your whole page doesn't necessarily rerender unless the person doesn't support Ajax, in which case it's just a regular link.


So when you have a link on a page and you know that link leads to another page that just has a slightly expanded content view, instead of rendering a whole new page for that component. It makes an Ajax call to your controller to render that component only, and it replaces the contents of that component with the newly rendered component.


I don't know if Devin agrees with Eric and says, you can do what I was saying.


I've always liked that. I mean, I've been with him for about 15 minutes now, but he's a pretty, pretty solid person. But


what it's really doing, what it's really doing is it's taking. What you would normally do in JavaScript and doing it in an Ajax call so that you can write it in PHP.


Promise me this, John, if I send you the life wire, it's on lyric cast, so I send you the Livewire. It's


in the show notes,


especially the Lifewire Lincoln promised me over the next bye bye mix show. You'll watch it. I will watch. Give me your opinion and then. Like you said. On top of that, I've been doing a lot of, uh, front end work lately.


Um, which has, John mentioned I'm not a huge fan of, but to help combat that, I've also been bringing myself up to speed with, uh, the new Laravel seven, the new few components. So Livewire works off components. You actually create a live wire component, but layer villas has Vue components. What is a mine been game changer for me.


So again, the thing with view components is it's always been challenging. Like it's like the best use case I can think of is actually one of the reasons I'm going to be using it is, um, you have like a, uh, like a sidebar on the website, right? And it has a lot of dynamic content in it. You know, maybe it's picking up latest posts, it's getting a Twitter feed.


Whatever, whatever, whatever. You know, it's kind of, it's kind of live content pairing and you cash it, but you know, it needs to be updated every now and then before you know, the way there, there was some, there was some quirkiness on how you have handled that. You could make calls to controllers in those views.


If you broke down, you've used correctly, which always felt kind of icky, well, whatever, you could pass the data to. Each of you as part of the payload, which is what we were talking about last week, how our rookie developers would work on our community project and we get an idea of how they did things.


I've been in there refactoring. That's how he was doing something like everything that had to be on a page for every controller. He was packaging packaging up as part of the payload that he was passing to that page, which was. Just absurdly redundant. Um, but what, what view components allow you to do is very much like Livewire components.


You can, you can, you can create a component called, uh, recent posts, which actually will have and associated controller with it. And. That's associated. That's associated controller. You can put whatever lots of kit in there that you need for that component. So if you have to go grab your posts, you have to organize them, clean them up, whatever.


You can put whatever logic you want in the view. The view component controller, whatever is in that controller, whatever you're returning is automatically shared with that view component. So there's no additional work to do. All you do is you then. Include that component into your layout, view, whatever you want to do, wherever you want to put it in.


It's so clean, dude. I've been, I've been playing with it. I got deep into it today. Actually had to reach out to some friends because I was, I was getting too deep. I was, I was thinking lost or what I was trying to do, but, uh, you know. Uh, again, my buddy up, uh, I guess he's in Buffalo now, but, uh, he, uh, he, I reached out to him because the meetup we were at yesterday, Frick had shared a link and I needed, I have needed to get that link back.


But I am like, like I said, between live wire and view components, my world has been changed forever. I'm not going to say I've given up on JavaScript trying to learn Java script or I've even given up a view. JS. Those are UJS is a fantastic framework I've been having. We took on a new client that has a lot of react.


I've been having to kind of get myself familiar with react. Those all great frameworks, but I know, ma'am, I'm losing arguments of why, why it's so important to have to get an understanding of a JavaScript framework. That's how I feel about it.


Because you need to know, know to get your next




I heard there's a Canadian I'm supposed to hire as a CTO, and I saying,


this is, this is why nobody likes you.


This is the inside jokes.


Totally unsafe.


How's he inside? We told you what it was 20 minutes ago,


people, but people listening now weren't listening 20 minutes ago.


Come on. You know our shouts, they're like five minutes.


Oh my goodness.  


and I'm going to have to look at Caleb Porzio his presentation on


Livewire. You're saying you haven't looked at the shit? No, I, I'm, I'm willing to accept. John ignores me week after week, but you heard a little bit, I'm going to be completely honest with you.


I'm so




When you say . Are you talking about Vue? V. U. E, the JavaScript framework components.




Not something new with  views. Okay. Yeah. I've got front end people that have been like blowing my mind with view and what they can do.


I would be curious to somebody that present me something in, I guess maybe animation is something you could do in Java script that live wire and PHP couldn't handle.


I'll, I'll give you that. But, uh, but I don't know real logic, like, like business logic. Somebody needs to give me a use case of, Hey, this is something that you couldn't do with Livewire wire and PHP, because I tell you what, that is a broad brush that covers a lot of stuff in my. My personal opinion, and I will give you a grape I have though because since I have it on the brain now, I mentioned that we took on a new client.


They're big and react their layer of auto shop, but they've never bought into the view approach. And Allie is a lot of react. I liked, I like this client, I liked the guy I'm working with a lot, but they also have an enterprise level GitHub account, so they don't, they don't have like the normal GitHub. I have got, I, I'm realizing now working on this project how incredibly spoiled I've gotten using automation.


So my automation tools, Zapier is the big one I've been using. I, I've broken down and I've paid for a Xavier account cause I use it that heavily. It doesn't, it, Zapier integrates with everything. I mean like services I have never heard of Zapier integrates with. It won't integrate with the GitHub enterprise account.


And the weirdest thing is there's no difference between the GitHub enterprise and GitHub. I mean, I'm willing to bet all the, yeah, but


it's, you don't have access to that server necessarily. Like Zapier doesn't know where that server is at to integrate with it.


I don't even think it's where it's at. I mean, I, I, it's publicly available.


It's, it's only, it's hosted by GitHub relevant experience with the GitHub enterprise thing, isn't it?


I thought that was the whole point about it.


I thought that's what it was


too. Cam enterprises Lopez


it local. Well, even if it is, if you could


just zip your doesn't know where to hit it.


If you can tell Z or here's the URL, say, Hey, this is a GitHub enterprise server, here's the URL.


But that's not how Zapier, Zapier, Zapier works with established APIs that it knows where it's


one more field, one more entry field. It's an established API. It's just one more entry field. Just, I didn't realize it was hosted locally. I thought it was something that GitHub was hosting for you, like as a service.


I wasn't realized. It was something that you, you were managing. I was surprised to hear that. So


I have a, I have a question for both of you. You guys are running external GPS. Yes. You're both running Nvidia external GP. Yes. So why could I hear that ginormous jet flying over your head when the technology exists now to remove these sounds with


the vehicle?


I saw you guys talking about those earlier. It is. Wait,


what? What are you talking about? I did not see it


in video voice. GTX voice. I'm sorry. RTX voice.


I'm going to have to see if this was actually an Nvidia card. Now you have me. You have me questioning it to be


honest. I know. It is.


It is.


It's a radio from RX Vega.


Is that, that is not an Nvidia card.


I'm looking, I'm looking at it. I did the, about, uh, about this Mark and for graphics. It says, uh. Radium, RX Vega, and then it has the Intel UHC, the just the normal Intel graphics chip.


Alright. Well, apparently, apparently it doesn't work on Mac either. Yet. The demos have been coming out from this thing and it is, um, people having their kids screaming behind them and having conversations over Skype.


That sound like there was nobody there at all. Really, really impressive stuff. And we are, our Canadian friend has tested it out and agrees that it is a very


impressive system. You order, are you going to order one of these video cards? No.


No. You don't need the high end card. You can get a $60 card that'll


do that.




no. There's no buts there. Uh, it uses any, any, uh, RTX compatible. Card. So as long as it's got tech row processor built into it, then it will work. Um, and I guess it's AI based and it isolates the sound of the person speaking and it eliminates a hundred percent of everything else. Um, to the point where it can't pick up keyboard clicks or.


People yelling across the house or dogs barking, you know, the sounds that you would normally think, uh, would make it through like sharp sounds or people yelling in another room. These, these sounds that aren't normally caught by noise canceling stuff. Anyways, this program gets rid of them.


It's interesting that they came out with this exactly at the time.


Like 90% of the workforce has the opening into working from home and having zoom meetings.


Well, here's the smart thing about that. I believe that this was a test project, some kind of beta thing that they, either they were going to release it when it was finished or when, uh, or they were just going to bury it into something else and not care about it.


Some kind of audio sweetest. You just never worry about it. Because it's not, it's not a moneymaker for them until the fact that when this quarantine ends, people are going to start deciding to stay at home. So it's, it's interesting to me, not that they released it now, but that they had the foresight to say, I bet you when this all ends, laptop sales are going to go through the roof.




cause everybody, is that


a hardware thing or is it a software


thing? It's a software thing that takes use. It's a software thing that takes use of the hardware architecture in, in videos card. So it is both. Gotcha. Um, what people don't realize is that the compute processors on video cards for the same reason that they're really good at running Bitcoin mining.


Is that they're very, very simple, but there's lots of them and they're fast. Um, so you can build AI around this, this specialized architecture that just doesn't exist in a normalcy. Um, something that would take a CPU to render three days can render at 20 FPS on a, just because the architecture is


such that I should work for a week without my.


External GPU and to see if there's a difference. Like I felt like when I first got the external GPU there was, and even today, uh, now this is a hard statement to make because when I got to extort GPU, I had gotten a new Mac, but the Mac I, I'm on right now has been more stable for me than any Mac I've ever had in the back in the past.


Then includes beach balling. I mean. Typically I, I, you know, having apps, beach ball on a Mac was pretty common. Necks in general were pretty solid. They would rarely crash. They would crash from time to time, but a beach ball is what you would get with a lot of apps. I still get it on. On occasion, but it has been cut back dramatically with the external GPU.


But I couldn't tell you if it's really faster, like, like everything in the podcast. I mean, I don't edit the video podcast, but I edit the audio and that definitely seems like it's smoother to dude, like making edits, moving, moving things around seems to be pretty, pretty flawless. I don't know. I, I've lost sight of it.


Having the external GPU is beneficial or not, but I'm kind of to the point where I don't want to know what it's like not to have it, but I would be curious to not use it for a little while just to see.


I should try because I find myself not disconnecting my laptop as much because it's a pain to shut it down.


To disconnect it


somebody. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's, that's the, that's the biggest complaint I have as


well. But I can tell you


that that was a bigger deal when I was going from home to the office, home, the office, now that I'm home all the time, it doesn't affect it.


Audacity is unaware of hardware


cards. I dunno.


I'm just telling you like the experience I had on Udacity doesn't crash for me. Like DASSI was, was a perfect example. That thing would crash for me on a fairly regular basis. Uh. I bet it doesn't crash for me anymore. I don't know if it's the upgrades I've made a Udacity or what, but it wasn't issues asking me what I have scrolling behind me.


Uh, this is a, uh, uh, uh, like click on lucky or something. I'll put it in the show notes. You know, I'm going to rearrange my office. Uh, we're, we're actually shutting down our business office. And when I bring my work desk home, I'm actually gonna move stuff around. So hopefully you'll be able to see that better.


But you're right, it actually scrolls through a key issue. It shows my Twitter followers, which if, if, if you want to be nice, like let's do an experiment. If you're listening to the show and you don't follow me on Twitter, follow me, and the numbers will increase.


His username is at John J. O H N


at real writer.


But yes, it's uh, it's given me some like Bret there and it's telling me the black mirror. It's showing the meteors that are in our orbit. It shows me my Twitter followers. It shows me, uh, our YouTube subscribers for PHP ugly. If it's just kind of scrolling through, that's a, that's a bait. It's kind of hard to see, but when I rearrange the office, I'm thinking that.


Well, I'm going to actually move my desk that I have here, uh, to the side and have a back wall wrap behind me. So maybe you guys will be able to see that easier, but it's, it's a cooler device to have. I like having it. We used to have in the office, it would welcome people into the office.


Is that why I was there?


I went to the office yesterday. I was like, where did that thing go? As I stole my chair, this chair and a bunch of other stuff out of the office,


you need to look around like, like things have been slowly disappearing over there. I've taken home like my bugs or all that other stuff. Uh,


my kids got a kick out of my, I took the kids there yesterday.


They got a kick out of the one wheel as I was riding it around.


The one kid that looks like he's a skateboard feeling man, he'd be perfect. Oh my


gosh. He tried. I mean, their feet aren't


big enough.


Like I put my older kid, it's genetic, not a skateboard fan on that thing, and he just, he would move his foot just a tiny bit and you could hear the, the motor engage


for like


a quick second and turn right off.


So I don't know what he was doing wrong. And then my little one who's the skateboard theme, he's too little. His features


one, because it does have sensors that feed me to be digging up the hip boat and you know what, in hindsight, I think probably would move too quickly for them. I think it goes like 2025 miles an hour.




I was holding them. I wasn't going to let them go.




I mean, just to be fair, it was right there, right?


It's the whole thing takes off at 20 miles an hour


issue. So it seemed like we just got that office a few months ago. We've actually had it for 16 months. It was an 18 month lease. That is coming to an end and we're not going to renew.


I mean, in the last two months, we haven't been able to use it because a lot there, and that's going to have to continue for a while. The reality of it is we didn't really need it. Uh, it's been nice. I mean, it's been like a perk we've had. Plenty of clients and potential clients come with the offer from perfect.


But the real reason we got it was to give the developers a place to come to and work, and that's never know the development. It just never caught on with me. They would come in for,


it did at first when we first got it, because we were talking to them about it, everyone seemed onboard. We got the office.


They were in there for a little while, and that. Slowly kind of faded away.


And the reality of it is I really just have been the only, I mean, even John. I'd cut back his weekly visits to the office to, you know, just a couple of days a week. So, so it's nice to have,


it's a 20 it's a 20 to 25 minute drive from me.




see that like, like that's not a normal dry for not people who go to work. I mean, that's the thing that kills,


but when you don't wait, but when you don't have to.


Right? And that's the thing. You don't


have to for you. It's a five minute drive


from them. In my face, I feel guilty about it. I don't




No, I don't think you should, but


I have a, I have a very separate space for my office space. So when I worked during the day, not only do I have my separate office, but to get to my office, there's a separate room that's not used, so I have no distraction unless I get up to go get a snack or whatever. Then I run into the family.


I can say hi, but outside of that, they leave me alone. I'm in an office for, for you urinate, a shared space, so it's harder for you to, to focus, get stuff done. So yeah, that's the difference.


That's actually a big difference too. So I liked the, when she


come to my house and see how I have this closet built out as an office space.


Put up a little


drywall, you're good to go. That's the deal with the office. Keeps you. Thanks for asking. Gee, she says, I've been out of the tract for that long. Well, wow. I didn't realize you no longer trucking geese you right. In my head. You've always been, you've always been trapped, or are you saying you get out on the road for that long?


Right? I'm confused. Maybe I misread that. I don't know.


Thomas what wa while he's waiting for that response for the first time today. I've actually started, I researched and will not buy, but thought about buying a gaming PC.


How much? How much does it come to?


What do you mean? Cost was?


Yeah, how much was it




So I watched a sunless Khan video and he had a, an advertisement for one, and I think it was like. 12 or $1,300 for the game.




And it was a giveaway. He did, and then he did a whole video where this kid only played on a console, which I play on a a, what is this Nintendo switch


switch? I'm playing on a console


and this kid went.


Up like two




in rocket league.


I went up for a break because I got a new TV. I'm like,


do I do 120 Hertz gaming PC?


Listen, you could get a killer gaming PC for 400 maybe 500 and it would be more than you could do, would expect that, but I spent a hundred


dollars much for, but I paid that for him for a switch.


I sh I should be getting the same performance out of that because that's the only thing.


I use this stupid switch for. The


switches like a quarter inch thick. I'm getting games for my wife for the switch now cause she's stuck at home. Uh, I did something insanely dangerous yesterday. What is that? I, uh, upgraded my version of Ubuntu to the latest version.


Like the latest full version.


She was just talking about this. What, what did you upgrade from? That's the big question.


I upgraded from a, what do they call it? Daffy duck? Uh, boy, I






Okay. What number was that? The




That's where I think that's where it's syntax even. Sure. If you're listening, pay attention.


So you upgraded,


I upgraded from Zinio to focal fossa, which is 20.04 and, or I'm sorry, uh. He owned airline 19 point 10. That's what I'm running. And, uh, my computer, uh, the screen turned black during the upgrade and it didn't like reboot or anything. It just, the screen just shut off. And I let it sit there and just sort of waited, uh, and eventually got tired of waiting and did a hard reboot on it and it came back up and everything worked except for all tab, which I had to go in and revise.


Everything else. I, uh,


that is kind of, that's kind of important for it to work. How does that not work?


That's never happened before though, where they were a major release upgrade of Ubuntu. I've always had some kind of trouble like trying to find the right desktop environment cause it's switched over to one that's not compatible with my laptop or, uh, you know, my, uh, barrier or, uh, synergy stops working or settings just get lost and don't work.


So can I ask, I mean, Linux is notoriously, uh, great for just being able to backup some config files and then doing a fresh install. And restoring your config files and kind of being back to where you were, uh, w is there a reason you decided to go to the upgrade path that matches to a fresh and stuff?


Yeah, that takes, that takes a whole, like couple days to get my environment back up to where it was


really, I mean, I'm not the question, you know, I, I totally believe you, but the, the experience I always had is I could almost literally just back up my home directory, restore my home directory, and just, you know, be off and running.


Well, yeah, that's because I also kept track of the packages. I thought,


well, anyways, and you're on a


map. I'm saying, well, that's when I was, when I was on Lumix. I don't know if I could, I mean, I could do I do that now, Mac? Yeah, I do do that. That's because everything I have goes to Dropbox, so yeah, you're right.


You're right. I do do that with Mac, but yeah, Linux is the first place I got to experience that. It was such a, it was such a shift from what I was used to in the windows world that, yeah, I just backed up my home directory. Oh, was


that on a desktop or a laptop?


I don't know. I think mostly desktops, probably a couple of laptops at the time.


I am not sure.


Laptop compatibility is the thing that I see breaking all the time. Um, the other thing I see is a third party support for video cards often breaks during.


Um, if, if you upgrade, that's, that's again why you would do a fresh install. Yeah. Whatever. I mean, if it worked for you, I, like you said, I made a move.


Sherry Syntech seed was just talking about this, I think today, maybe on Twitter. So if you want to go, if you want to go check out her stream, uh, Thomas could probably give her some advice. I don't know where that conversation ended, but I didn't contribute to it at all. But, uh, yeah, now I run a clean enough, I did something I never do based on this conversation.


I upgraded. Are one of our servers. So we've been doing a lot of experimenting with a couch and on the server. This is a Diego dev server that we have out in digital ocean on the server I was using for couch. I wanted to get the latest and greatest PHP on it, and I was looking at ways to upgrade PHP, but couch three was also released and I wanted to couch three and sound like, well, at this point I didn't have a lot running on the box.


I'm like. I should just upgrade. Everything's, upgrade the iOS and everything. And I was pretty confident that I was going to hose the machine. Like I have really prepared to host the machine cause I already knew what I needed to do to restart it. Cause this one, this one machine happens to not be part of, uh, my forge, uh, account.


So I'm like, okay, if I hose this, I'll spin up another one with forge. And I won't even, I won't miss a step because we don't have any client stuff on it. It's just for internal use. And like you said, for like this couch database server and all this other stuff, and it, it worked. I mean, it's a, it's a machine that's some digital ocean.


That was the other thing. Digital ocean we just talked about at the beginning of the show had stopped snapshots. So if I had to, I could roll it back to a snapshot, but I really wasn't that concerned about it. Um. But yeah, I upgraded the machine. I did a distribution upgrade over SSH, and even told me at one point, it's like, okay, we're giving me an upgrade.


SSH, there's a chance this connection might get lost. If it does get lost, we're going to spin up another SSH server for you on this other port. Just connect to this until the upgrade is finished and it, it didn't get well. I mean, the SSH connect connection stayed with the machine. So I don't know how that magic happened, but yeah, it worked great.


I tell you, it's the strides Linux has taken over the years and on the servers. Just forget about it. Right. I don't know why anybody would not run Linux as their server anymore, but the strides Lennox has taken over the years in the rock solid. Migration paths it has now. It's, it's impressive. I enjoy it.


Yeah. I, I've built a gen two from the ground up. They call it stage three yep. Dealt with son, I've dealt with red hat, uh, before it was fedora. Dealt with fedora and yeah, it's, Linux is stronger now than it's ever been. I think when Microsoft switches over to Linux, we're really going to see each other.


So I talked, I told you to go over to, uh, to Twitter.


And this actually kind of plays in the conversation we had earlier. John, I don't know if you would take advantage of this. Twitter implemented a new feature that I wasn't aware of, but now in Twitter, if somebody replies to your tweet. Then you don't like their reply. You can now delete their or hide the reply from the public stream.


I was going to say, if you tell them about blocking it, that's an awful smarmy


No, you can. You can mail like hide replies. So I assume that the person who posted it but still sees the reply. So maybe that reduces that friction, but everybody else in the world doesn't see the reply on your screen. I don't know what happens if somebody goes to a user count who has a hit reply somewhere and they are checking that user stream out if they see it or not.


That would be interesting to know, but, but yeah, I went to pull up a stream and says, Hey, if you don't like me, other people replying to you, just hide it from everybody else. I'm like, huh, that's interesting.


So censorship. Yeah. I don't understand what






I don't agree with this person. Don't let anybody else see it, I guess.


I guess it works for trolls. I guess that'd be a good, a good use case.


You'll never see Thomas, uh, reply to power on the public stream. Ever promise it'll always be


hidden. That's because I wait for John to reply


that that's never going to


happen. Well, not anymore. He's blocking feature.


You got to contribute to this Patriot now to get unblocked, to see his tweets.


I had a


switching topics. I had a friend on Facebook who I believe is from my PHP circles, share this wealth shown the scale website


and Oh God, that stuff is always so decided.


It is.


Freaking amazing


cause people don't understand what a billion is. Right? And I keep trying to explain it to people.


So this, this will show you like a single pixel is a thousand dollars and then it shows you what this little pixel is of your average income.


And then like what you can expect to make in your lifetime. Compared to first Jeff Bezos and what he has, and you're just scrolling and scrolling and scrolling is well, and then it gets to, but here's the wealth


of just 400 people


in the United States, 400 and then throughout the entire scrolling, you're seeing little bits of data.


What could you do with just 3% of the wealth of these four, these 400 people? As you get near the end. It's, what could you do with 85% of their money, 85% of just 400 people's money. You could give $10,000 to every American. You can test every American for Corona virus. You could eradicate malaria, you know, all of these other things.


And those 400




would still be billionaires.


Yeah. People don't understand the, the exponential raise millions versus trillions work on like, like if you stacked up a billion dollars in $1 bills, how far do you think it would reach?


Never see it. Here


it is a, it's a, it's a good site to just kind of visualize what's going on.




it's sad, but two times


they end.


I was just going to say at the Thomas' point last week, if it makes you feel any better, nobody works that hard. Nobody works. As hard to become a billionaire.


I am amazed. I did not get flavored.


I guess you're right. I mean, the more you thought about the more, right, you were right.


It's like


nobody, you can't earn a billion dollars. It's not, it's not a workable element.


It's, yeah, it just occurs. You get lucky, like, like you said, you get lucky and things, things work out for you. You know, maybe maybe your hard work contributes to that luck, but at some point work, and it's just like baseball or any professional sport.


You can be. You can, you can get so good. At some point, luck is going to put into it. You have to play for the right high school coach who can introduce you to the right college coach who will get you in front of the raid Scouts. It's, you know, that the days of Scouts walking a dirt road and coming across some kid playing, you know, against a wall with a basketball.


And drafting them is not a reality anymore. You know, it's, there's a certain amount of luck and chance that factors into, into it and the same thing goes to becoming million and billionaires. I'm convinced of that.


Yeah. Going back to that story, just real quick, they, it ends because nobody's going to scroll all the way to the end and actually scrolling.


It's only like. 10% of the way through where it ends. So these programs combined would completely transform our world by re redistribute redistributing this wealth. Millions of lives would be saved. Billions would be rescued from poverty and disease by inconveniencing just 400 people in the entire human race could advance to a new unprecedented level of development.


Again, I haven't, I haven't


researched 1%


I haven't researched. Any of this data, so I don't know how true it is, but just that alone,


500 people


compared to 7 billion people on this.


Funny. If, if, especially if you're one of those people, how the word taking billions of dollars away from these people is just a inconvenience.


It's funny how those people will. Consider you dying to work for them and


inconvenience. Yeah. I mean the, the reality of it is, what did you say it was 10% job? 10% of their wealth that the, the billions, what was it? Did you say it was 10%


a 80 85% of the entire wealth. We're here and do so much for the human race and they would still be billionaires.


I want to have it equate that to our salaries, but I'm just, my point was going to be, would you be willing to give up. If you knew giving up 10% of your wealth would allow three families to live above the poverty line, would you, would you be willing to do that? I mean, if like when these


questions business as a business, we already give a lot to charity for things


like that.


Yes. And the trick that the ultra rich have succeeded playing on us is. Trying to make some equivalency between our struggles in there.


That's not what I'm freaking about. I just tried to scale it. I am like, yeah, I'm throwing numbers out there. I, again, this is not the article John posted or anything I've read, but the people who say just, you know, 10% of Jeff Bezos is worth that worth.


Would you give everybody. Everybody wouldn't have to work for a year or so or something like that, or give everybody $5,000 or whatever, whatever the number is. I think to myself, I'm like, well, would I be willing to sacrifice 10% of my wealth for anything like for, like I said, for like three families I didn't know I had no association with.


I would not benefit from them receiving 10% of my wealth. Would I be willing to make that sacrifice. And you know, I just, I know it's probably not a fair comparison because again, Jeff Bezos is still a billionaire. So, you know, it's not a true go scale thing. I just have a mailman. I, it's, it's, it's a tough thing.


It's the first thing, you know, having the, the government redistribute wealth is a scary, scary, terrifying thing to think of.


So I wasn't, I wasn't saying that the government should go in and take their wealth away. It's, it's just a point of it. I'm not saying anybody needs to, I'm just, it's just the fact that the, there's a small group of people that control so much of the wealth.


Like, couldn't we come together somehow and like


John's just try to say, did you know that you can look up guillotine tutorials on YouTube?


The problem is somebody else inherits that money and then there you're not solving anything.


Yeah. I mean the, the biggest thing is the Reagan tax cuts, which when there was a tax rate in the area of the 70th percentile for the top earners, and that got dropped down to the area of 20 or 30 ish percent.


The. Government lost basically all funding for all federal programs and we've never recovered from


it. So they


did have a viewer that that pointed out that the wealth that I was just referring to is not necessarily in cash. They require whole industries to disappear. That that, again, I haven't researched that, that data, I don't know where those figures come from and what is included in their wealth calculations.


It's like the current stock price of Amazon making chip pieces. This case. Yeah, I mean that wealth could just as easily diminished this as quickly as it grows, but yeah. Good point. Listen, I just looked up at the clock. It's 10 20 and I promised the wife I was going to drive her to the beach tonight so we can watch glowing algae splash against our shoreline.


It's something I want to take advantage of while you're still live here in San Diego. So. We're going to, you know, just 10% of them are dying. Okay? That's all it takes. The glow the entire coast. All right. They're there. They're there. They're not selfish. Well, we're going to wrap this up. I appreciate everybody who's been listening to us for this long.


I do appreciate your Patriot. John got me into Patrion of this week, so I'm actually in there again. I did notice we owe some perks for people. So a Syntech scene is actually


So I will be going,


I have to do that now. For some


reason. I think it's a bit, I mean, the only people who've been with us for a long time will understand it, but I will be going through Patrion figuring out who is at that perk level and probably to get some packages out in the next, uh, next couple of weeks.


All of this stuff is at the office, so I actually need to go with the office and, and it off. But. If you haven't contributed to patron and you've been contributing toward the purples. I apologize. Like I said, it's been a long time. Stephanie had to get in there and we appreciate you and I will show you how much we appreciate you by sending your stickers and stuff.


So that will be coming your way. I pray we appreciate it. Uh, if you're not a patriotic person, you know, it doesn't matter. I mean, you get stickers and stuff, but honestly, if you ever run into me at a conference, Oh, give you that stuff as well. But we do appreciate our Patriots. So if you do want to become a patron, equines and we will be sure to.


Thank you. Um, so it's that. I think that's it. I think that's gonna do it. This has been an episode one 88 a PHP is a good episode. I'm Eric. I'm John. Thanks for listening to this episode of PHP ugly and thanks to our sponsors, the Diego dev group, if you're looking for developers who care about the code, they create, the communities they build and the solutions they implement and reach out to the Diego dev group, you can find the Diego dev [email protected] that's. follow PHP ugly on Twitter at PHP ugly or join us in our discord channel. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Google play, or in your favorite podcast listener. A rating of five stars is always appreciated. Until next time, keep it ugly.